As you know, we have two major leaks under the floor in the lower school which has caused the heating to shut down. Although we have tried to manage with temporary heaters, the classrooms are cold and children and staff are uncomfortable.

I have met with members of the Enquire Learning Trust Central Team this morning to discuss the way forward, as we are unsure how long it will take to repair the heating pipes that have corroded. As the temperature is forecast to drop, we have decided that our EYFS, Y1 and Y2 children will not be able to be in school tomorrow (Tuesday) or Wednesday. Children in Years Five and Six will relocate to the upper school building.

From Thursday 31st January our infant children will be taken by coach, with their teachers and Teaching Assistants, to and from Stokesley Primary Academy which has three vacant infant classrooms and a spare playground they have kindly offered to let us use. Mellors provide lunches to Stokesley children and so will also provide our children with lunch. If you usually provide a packed lunch for your child, please continue to do so.

Morning and after school routines will continue as normal, as children will be registered in their classes at Roseberry before boarding the coach. They will return to school for normal hometime, ready for collection. Should your child have an appointment during the day, they will need to be collected from Stokesley Primary Academy from the main reception but we politely request that you also inform the Roseberry office of your intention to collect your child.

Children in Years Five and Six will continue to be taught in the upper school building at Roseberry.

I have tried to keep things as normal as possible for as long as possible but the lower school is now far too cold to use. We do not have the capacity to accommodate all of our infants in the upper school and so this is why the decision has been made for the infants to move to another school site. Please be assured that they will not be free to roam the Stokesley Primary Academy site – they will be with their Roseberry teachers, Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisory Assistants within their allocated rooms.

I thank you for your support and understanding at this difficult time, knowing you will understand that this decision has been made to ensure children’s learning continues and that their wellbeing is safeguarded. This is the best solution for our children at this moment in time. It will enable them to continue with their learning in a safe, warm, environment.