
Our children will become artists who enjoy being challenged and inspired. They will have the knowledge, skills and confidence required to experiment, invent, create and think critically.


This subject is not taught in isolation, but as part of cross curricular topics, with skills and knowledge of different subjects interwoven to enable children to make sense of their learning in context.

As we have classes of mixed year groups, our whole school curriculum consists of a two year cycle. Our curriculum plan ensures that all National Curriculum objectives for this subject are taught with spaced repetition to enable consolidation and mastery by the end of each phase (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6). 
The progression document for this subject clearly shows the milestones to be reached by the end of each phase and enables teachers to plan learning sequences that are progressive. Assessments are made using the progression document and this is passed on to the children’s next teacher at the end of the first year of the curriculum to ensure that they are aware of what has been taught, achieved and mastered and the gaps in learning that still need to be addressed. This ensures that our curriculum is progressive and reactive, building upon children’s prior knowledge and learning experiences. 
This subject is also be taught with reference to the context in which Roseberry children live and play. It is relevant to them and their locality.
Objectives to be learned are not always taught in the form of a lesson and there is continual provision in the form of daily routines and providing retrieval practice for previously learned concepts.  Knowledge and skills are also taught and mastered during Cultural Celebration weeks and enrichment activities throughout the year.  

Our curriculum has been devised in the interest of our children to ensure quality of provision to enable them to acquire and develop a deep body of knowledge.  We are mindful that knowledge does not sit as isolated information in children’s minds and so our curriculum is progressive, with knowledge connected in schemata.  It is taught in the following way across the school:

Hook learners in with a memorable experience
Set the scene and provide the context for learning
Ask questions to find out children's interests
Spark children's curiosity using interesting starting points

Teach facts and information for deeper understanding and knowledge
Demonstrate new skills and allow time for consolidation
Provide creative opportunities for making and doing
Deliver reading, writing and talking across the curriculum

Provide imaginative scenarios that encourage creative thinking
Enable children to apply previously learned skills
Encourage enterprise and independent thinking
Provide opportunities for collaborative working and problem solving

Provide environments for reflective talk
Create opportunities for shared evaluation
Celebrate and share children's success
Identify next steps for learning


Children speak as artists and demonstrate their enjoyment for being challenged and inspired. They confidently demonstrate the knowledge, skills and confidence they have through experimenting, inventing, creating and thinking critically.
All children meet Age Related Expectations with reference to the National Curriculum by the end of their learning phase (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6) with a proportion achieving a level of mastery and deeper understanding that they are able to articulate and demonstrate with confidence.


Updated: 17/11/2022 158 KB
Updated: 17/11/2022 156 KB