Roseberry Academy:  School Uniform and PE Uniform

At Roseberry Academy, we expect children to wear school uniform and parents to support us in this.  We believe that uniform is a way of bringing the children together and helping them express pride in their school. It is also an important part of preparing our children for future expectations in secondary school.

Uniform with the academy logo can be ordered through our uniform suppliers ‘Motif8’   

Wearing uniform with the academy logo is optional. 

Alternatively, for high quality used uniform (donations of between £1 and £3 per item to go to school funds), contact Mrs Maylard at or the school office. 


Roseberry Academy School Uniform:  


  • Black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • White/jade polo shirt (although branded items are available, these may be plain)
  • Jade sweatshirt / jumper (branded items with the school logo are preferred)
  • Black sensible school shoes
  • Black socks/tights
  • *Green checked/striped dress for summer
  • hair accessories in matching colours (jade green / black / white) 



  • Black trousers
  • White/jade polo shirt  (branded items with the school logo are available, however these may be plain)
  • Jade sweatshirt or jumper (branded items with the school logo are preferred)
  • Black sensible school shoes
  • *Black tailored school shorts for summer (not sports shorts)



Roseberry Academy PE Uniform

We politely request that children come to school in their PE uniform on their PE days: 

  • Plain black bottoms (jogging bottoms / tracksuit bottoms / leggings / sports shorts)
  • Jade green PE t shirt (branded items with the school logo are preferred, however these may be plain)
  • Black PE hoodie (branded items with the school logo are preferred)
  • Black trainers 


Please make sure that your child’s name is on all items of uniform so that all items can be returned should if they become misplaced.  



Rings, necklaces, bracelets should not be worn in school. Jewellery may be worn if required for medical reasons, e.g. a medical bracelet or a religious reason. Watches should not be smart watches and not linked to mobile phones.


In the interests of health and safety, pupils in Early Years should not wear any form of earring or ear studs when attending school. We must, therefore, request that if your child has pierced ears that you remove their earrings or studs when coming to school.
Key Stage 1 & 2 children should only wear one pair of small, plain stud earrings. If children come to school wearing earrings on P.E. or swimming days, they will have to take the earrings out themselves or they risk being excluded from P.E. lessons. If your child cannot remove their own earrings please remove their earrings or studs before coming to school.

Make Up and Nail Varnish

Makeup and cosmetics are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform and therefore should not be worn.
Nail varnish, gel nails or false nails should not be worn in school.