Why is attendance important?
Attendance = Achievement!
There is a link between good school attendance and high attainment.
Promotes children's welfare and safeguarding.
Enables pupils to access the widest possible range of opportunities.
Encourages good friendships with peers.
Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best possible start in life and is important to your child's future.
Did you know...
96% attendance is regarded as minimum satisfaction by the Government. Parents / carers are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school on time every day.
Our attendance target for this Year is 97%
We need everyone to work together to make sure every day counts and we reach our attendance target!
At Roseberry Academy outstanding attendance and punctuality is our aim for every one of our pupils.
We promote excellent attendance to enable our pupils to take full advantage of the educational opportunities we offer. Attendance is monitored very closely and we work with families to support good attendance.
We ask parents to ensure that children arrive at school in good time for registration each day - they must be in class before registers close. In order to support this, classroom doors open at 8:35am.
Breakfast Club is also available from 7:30am for children in Reception to Year 6 - Please book your child's place through the MCAS App.
What to do if your child is absent from school
Please phone on the first day of absence leaving your child’s name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day that your child is absent from school. These messages may be left by speaking to a member of our school office team, on the school’s answer phone, or delivered in person.
If we have not heard from a parent by 9:30am as to why their child is absent from school, we will ring all of the contact numbers registered for that child until contact is made.
By Law, your child must attend school. If they are not in school and we are not informed, we have a duty to find out why and to know that the children are safe. If your child's attendance remains low, relevant referrals will be submitted to ensure your child is accessing their personal right to an education. House visits may be carried out to ensure your child is safe - if there is no answer at the door we may refer onto other agencies.
Medical Appointments
It is important that all medical/dental appointments are made for outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, disruption to learning should be kept to a minimum. Sessions missed due to appointments will affect your child’s attendance percentage.
Please advise the office beforehand if children have to attend a medical appointment during school hours. Please provide evidence of the appointment e.g. letter or text reminder and sign them in and out of school at the main office.
Illness - Too ill to attend school?
Your child can attend school with minor ailments such as toothache, headache, stomach ache, cold and sore throats. Over the counter medications can be given before school.
School will contact you if your child becomes too ill to remain in school.
Is my child too ill for school? - NHS
Attendance Matters!
Excellent attendance! Your child is able to access all of their learning, form friendships and get into good attendance habits. Children with excellent attendance are usually more settled in school and are able to enjoy all areas of school life. Children who have greater attendance are more likely to gain better qualifications and potentially earn more in the future.
95% and above
Very good attendance! Nationally, all schools and children are expected to achieve 96% attendance. Children are able to access most of their learning and are still likely to achieve good qualifications when they are older.
90% - 95%
Your child will be unable to access all of the teaching in school, which will have an impact on their learning and their readiness to learn. School will make contact with parent/carers to establish as to why attendance is declining.
90% and less
At 90% attendance, research shows that missing 10% of school can result in children dropping a whole grade/level in achievement. 90% is equivalent to missing half a day of school each week and 4 weeks of school in an academic year. So, 90% may not be as good as it first seems
Any child with 90% and below is called a PERSISTENT ABSENTEE. At this stage school will discuss your child’s attendance with you and support you to improve your child’s attendance. If attendance does not improve, the local authority will instigate attendance procedures which may result in a fine.
Holidays in term time
Children are not entitled to holidays during the school term. Family breaks / holidays should be taken during the school holiday periods.
School cannot authorise any holidays in term time. Our Multi Academy Trust has directed us in this tightening of the rules to further promote good school attendance in line with the challenge from OFSTED that all schools face. All holidays taken during school time will be recorded as unauthorised absence and may result in parents facing a fine from North Yorkshire Local Authority.
Children arriving late may seriously disrupt not only their continuity of learning but also that of others. When pupils arrive late after the close of registers, they are marked as unauthorised for that session.
If your child is late to school they might:
- Feel embarrassed in front of their friends
- Miss the beginning of vital lessons making them fall behind
- Miss important instructions for the rest of the school day
- Learn bad habits which could affect their employability in the future
- Feel unsettled for the rest of the school day
The table below shows just how much learning could be missed by being consistently late to school each day:
Minutes late per day | Learning Time Lost in 1 Year |
We know that a child’s punctuality has a direct impact on their education. Those children who are regularly late from school do not achieve their full potential – they do fall behind their peers!
Please ensure your child is in school on time and ready to learn for 8:40am every day!