A message from my class... 

Dear children, 

The reason I’m not in school is due to the fact that I’m having to follow government guidelines and self isolating for a few days. I will be returning to school next week. I'm perfectly fine, but staying home as a precautionary measure. 

You should have left school with a yellow home learning pack, which will help consolidate everything that has been taught so far. I will keep posting things on the blog for you, and try to keep learning activities fun and engaging. We can use this time to become awesome at topics we're already good at!

Just remember to look after yourselves, wash your hands, take care of your parents and siblings, and find ways to have fun safely at home. 

You are all very special, and will be in my thoughts over the next few weeks. 

Take care guys, 

Miss Harmar x 


P.s leave the classroom tidy today .....!!! (he he)