Morning Year 3/4 :-) 

I hope you all had a good day yesterday - I was so happy to receive some of your beautiful rainbows!

Here's my recommendations for today's learning: 

Start your day with a spot of P.E with Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel. Here is the link.....


Year 3: Read 'The Lost City of Atlantis' and answer the questions on Test 3. Remember to highlight the evidence in the text. 

Year 4: Read 'Lost Diamond' and answer the questions on Test 3. Remember to highlight the evidence in the text.

Complete pages 46 and 47 in your mini Grammar booklets on 'Writing lists'.  


Multiplication and Division calculations sheets. 


 Read Pandora's Box and the Innovate leaflet that was placed into your pack. Design your own Pandora's Box. 


Remember, you can always comment on the blog, share your ideas, or ask questions in the comments box below. 

Also, Audible are offering a free download of an audio book.  Why not download and listen to, 'The Golden Goblet' by Eloise Jarvis McGraw


Here is the link if you wish to have a listen....


Enjoy your day!

Miss Harmar