One of the many great things about being part of the Enquire Learning Trust is that we share a wealth of ideas and information with one another. The professional generosity within the Trust is second to none. One of our Principals shared this information from North East Lincolnshire Council with everyone today. I hope you find it useful!   

Tips for parents and carers

  • Stress and anxiety in such an unusual and unpredictable situation is normal.
  • Children can sometimes believe that they are responsible for events that are beyond their control – reassure them that it is the adults’ job to keep them safe.
  • Friendships are key to maintaining resilience for children, so help them to maintain these relationships through phone calls, online communication, and writing letters.
  • Having a routine and structure helps children to feel secure in uncertain times.
  • Restrict access to rolling news coverage.
  • Play is fundamental to the wellbeing and development of children of all ages, and a great way to reduce stress in adults. Cosmic Kids yoga and other physical activity is great way to stay fit but to have fun together.
  • Allow children to ask questions: It is natural that children will have questions and worries about Coronavirus.
  • Giving them the space to ask these questions and have answers is a good way to ease anxiety.
  • Younger children might understand a cartoon or picture better than an explanation.
  • It is okay to say you don’t know - at the moment, there are questions we don’t have answers to about Coronavirus.
  • Maybe your child has an idea too – let them tell you or draw them. Go with their ideas as much as possible and extended if required.
  • Try to manage your own worries: Uncertainty can make all of us feel anxious or worried. Identify other adults you can talk to about your own worries. Use techniques that help to make you feel a bit calmer - if you are at home, music, breathing and relaxation techniques, distraction (such as watching something funny), and time with family can all help.
  • Give practical guidance: Remind your child of the most important things they can do to stay healthy but find motivation for keeping going, like thinking of a song they want to sing while washing their hands.

(Taken from BPS    


Resources to support home learning:

We recommend you read through/watch all content prior to showing your child/ren.

BBC Teach PSHE Resources
Key Stage 1 (age 5 – 7)
Key Stage 2 (age 7 – 11)

Children’s Mental Health Playlist – BBC Teach

TES: COVID-19 Home Learning Pack

Audible app
Enjoy audiobooks and original podcasts on the audible app.
The ‘Audible’ app has made all children’s stories free.

The website ‘twinkl’ is also now free to access, which has lots of teaching materials and resources. The
website is and the code is parentstwinklhelps

Free resource for children (and adults)