A bright new day, lets hope it's as sunny as yesterday! I had a lovely time yesterday in the garden playing tennis with my son. I hope you all managed to get outside at some point. I've come up with some more ideas for today, but please do not feel that these all have to be done. If you'd prefer, you could just keep working through your learning pack.

So I read this poem yesterday and thought about you. I wondered if  you could think of a verse that sums up your first days at home instead of school.  We could make a class poem and share our version on social media. Just post in the comments and I can put your ideas together. 



For Maths Mr Moore has challenged us to a times table rockstars battle so lets give it our best shot!  Any certificates earned this week, I will blog for you. 


Topic - Find out about greek temples and design your own  by following this link  http://www.ancientgreece.co.uk/acropolis/challenge/cha_set.html

You could even sketch your final design into your books.


Have a good day Mrs Charlton