Morning everyone! 

I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend! 

Why not recap rounding from our Place Value topic earlier on in the year? On the photograph above, column A stands for challenge 1, column B stands for challenge 2 and column c stands for challenge 3. If you've forgotten how to do it, don't worry, read the little set of instructions at the top, or watch this fun you tube video (the rap may get stuck in your head!).


If you fancy, have a go at this little English challenge: 

Can you use verbs and adverbs to describe what each of the animals in the picture are doing?

E.g. The zebra meanders lethargically across the road.

meanders = verb (the action)

meander means wandering around but not in a straight line

lethargically = the adverb (how the action is carried out)

lethargically means lazily and tired

E.g. Nonchalantly, the orangutan lounges on the bench.

nonchalantly means care free 

nonchalantly is the adverb (how the action is carried out)

lounges = verb (the action) 

verb examples: 

stares, walks, ponders, hanging, laid, stretched....

adverb examples: 

lazily, very, calmly, slovenly....


Extra challenge: you could experiment by using adverbs in different places in your sentences.


For topic, why not use your knowledge organiser to write a passage about the Trojan War. Can you research any more interesting facts about this war? 


I have also set some Reading Eggs and Mathletics for you to have a go at during the week. 


Have fun, peeps! 

Don't forget it's important to get your exercise, too! 

Miss Harmar :-)