Good morning!
He just couldn’t help himself because he had always been a greedy, fat rat.
Up until this moment, he had never been spotted by a human. Now, that was about to change…
Question time!
What do you think the rat is thinking?
What has the rat been collecting?
If you saw the rat, what would you do?
What is the best way for the rat to carry the fruit back to his home?
If the rat had a son and a daughter, do you think he should let them go with him when he is gathering food?
Perfect picture!
Imagine what the rat’s home looks like. Draw or describe what you have imagined.
Sentence challenge!
Look at the picture of the greedy rat and write:
*An exclamation sentence (must start with either ‘what’ or ‘how’, and contain a verb. E.g. What a beautiful day it is!)
*A command (a bossy sentence. E.g. Stop tapping that pencil!)
*A statement (A general sentence. E.g. The flowers were beautiful.)
*A question (What day is it?)
I have created a template for this on Seesaw.
There are also some Maths activities on Seesaw if you’d like to try them.
Here is a link to a story to listen to on YouTube about a bad seed:
Listen to the story and now think of 5 things that you have done today that have made you, or somebody else feel proud of you. E.g. did you make your bed, tidy up, have lovely manners, help somebody else?
Have a lovely day.
Colin will be back tomorrow!
Mrs Kearns