Monday 27th April
Happy Monday everyone!
Wow - what a week it was last week! We had delightful, descriptive diary entries, imaginative island maps - even a 3D version, island rules and regulations and beautiful compositions of national anthems all centred around our project - Uninhabited Island. I was amazed at the thought and work that went in to your projects. I knew the creativity you show at school would be demonstrated at home. Feel very proud of yourselves – well done!
Our projects will normally run for one week. With the Uninhabited Island project we have just carried out, this will run over two weeks due to the amount of quality work that we can produce and the creativity and enthusiasm you have shown. We have only just scratched the surface of discovering this island that you have claimed as your own. This week the project is science based, along with a range of other curriculum subjects included.
Each new project will be posted on the blog on a Friday for the following week. This enables adults who are working from home to have a look at the project and provides an opportunity for discussion over the weekend, should you wish to do so. It then means on a Monday morning if the adult you live with is working from home you will be able to start your project straight away. I know that you are all superb independent learners! However, please do not feel that you need to look at the blog before Monday.
For this project you will again have a core task and then choose at least two activities from the selection. You may also think of other wonderful ideas that you would like to create in addition to this. For Part 1. of the Uninhabited Island for additional ideas, we had an island map cake made, beautiful art work and other fabulous creations! I am really looking forward to seeing what you will produce this week.
Uninhabited Island Project Part 2.
Project 2 duration - one week (hand in date - Friday 1st May 3.10pm).
For part two of this project, you will again have a core task and then there a number of suggested activities with which I would like you to choose at least two. Some of the class completed all of the suggested activities last week on ‘Part 1. of the Uninhabited Island’. I was delighted to see your creativity and the high standard of work produced – well done! Last week we also saw some of the class use their fantastic imaginations, thinking of other really interesting ways that they could develop our project, if you have your own I would love you to share them with us on our class Teams. I am really looking forward to see what you produce!
Project Overview
Setting off one day on your Island, you see a species, something you have never, ever, encountered before. A species you believe has never been identified! What could this unusual creature be? Could there be more than one of this incredible species living on the Island?
Go to our class Microsoft Teams page and click on the ‘Files’ tab to find ‘Uninhabited Island Week 2’, to find out what is going to happen on your island this week! The core task and suggested activities have been set for you to upload your work on to ‘Assignments’ when you have finished. I cannot wait to see what brilliant work you generate this week!
Mrs Davis.