Monday 11th May
Happy Monday everyone!
Wow – what an active week we have had! As you can see from my previous blog post the exercise programmes that we have carried out this week have kept us very busy and active. I was delighted with the way that you all embraced the task. I knew you would rise to the challenge and using the variety of activities that you take part in, demonstrate how you can incorporate exercise and wellbeing into your daily routine. Well done!
Project Week 4
This project will last for one week and is based on art, design, IT and literacy.
As we have done for the past three weeks, each new project will be posted on the blog on a Friday for the following week. This enables adults who are working from home to have a look at the project and provides an opportunity for discussion over the weekend, should you wish to do so. It then means on a Monday morning if the adult you live with is working from home you will be able to start your project straight away. I know that you are all superb independent learners! However, please do not feel that you need to look at the project before Monday.
Project Week 4 - Animation
Project 4, duration - one week (hand in date - Friday 15th May 3.00pm).
For this project, you will have two core tasks and then one additional activity to complete. You may be really inspired by this project and those budding artists that we have many of, may like to produce their own creations in addition to the three tasks required.
Project Overview
Lights…… Camera……. Action!
This week is all about animation. Without even realising it, many of the things you have watched have used animation of some kind. If you have watched the Lego movie, Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep or Chicken Run to name but a few, you have watched films and programs made by stop motion animation. This week we are going to use stop motion animation to try to create your own films! You will be using items you have at home, with these you are going to plan and create a story to animate and share with us. The theme of the story is for you to decide. The characters you use, could be from figures or toys you have at home, or everyday items that you could use to turn into an animal or person. You could even use the inspiration from last week’s project when you created your own species to devise another one to use in your mini film. The possibilities are endless - so get your thinking caps on and let’s get started!
Go to our class Microsoft Teams page and click on the ‘Files’ tab to read the full project – ‘Animation - Week 4’. The two core tasks and the one additional required activity have been set for you to upload your work on to ‘Assignments’ when you have finished. As a class, your creativity always amazes me; I cannot wait to see what fantastic animation creations you produce.
Mrs Murton.