Here we are again, another week of lockdown complete and I have haven’t been in trouble!
I have been busy getting my two-legged to take pictures of me for my 14 day photo challenge. Nobody panic; we are from the same household, and we met 2 metres apart in our own back garden.
This is my cousin, Twiggy. She’s a saluki.
This was the rainbow around the sun on Bank Holiday Friday.
I love reading the letters in this book and I would never try to eat them.
I spotted this little six-legged last week.
My two-legged brought these tomato plants home when lockdown started. Now look at them. I do not water them.
My favourite two-legged. The other one isn’t as generous with the snacks.
I am extremely proud of this hole that I dig, and re-dig...every week.
I love these treats sooooooo much. Look, I’m even licking my lips!
It took me ages to create this artwork, then all I heard was how long it took the two-legged to clean it up. #ungrateful
This weather made it super easy for me to relax whilst Mr Stingy Snacks prepared the lawn for me to dig my hole again.
This is me in the dining room because I was banned from the garden.
I have had this safety stick my whole life! It’s the best!
I love going for walks. My two-legged likes the flowers and trees. I like to shout at squirrels and search for street snacks.
I love my blanket I cannot sleep without it.
I have seen some of your 14 day photo challenges on Meats Teams, and I thought they were wonderful!
keep up the great work, everyone.
Stay safe (and alert), be good, and have fun.
Colin xxx
Daniel Fisher
15 May 2020
Hi Colin I loved your photos. They made me and my sister laugh ????
Mrs Maylard
15 May 2020
Love your work Colin! Say "Hello" to everyone in Year 2 for me. They are in your favourite two - legged's class .