Have you got what it takes to earn a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title?
Guinness World Records has created a new title - Highest score achieved on ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ in one minute - and we are looking for players to aim for this special accolade. All you have to do is submit a video of yourself playing a Studio game with the highest score in the world by 23:59 on 4th June 2020.
Should I enter?
Over the years we have seen some incredibly high scores in 1 minute games, like the astonishing 186 in the video on the right. That gives you an idea of how fierce the competition will be for this Guinness World Records title. With lots of practice can you become the number 1 in the world?
Social media vs Official Attempts
We'd love you to share your efforts on social media using #FastestRocker and copying in @TTRockStars and @GWR but all Official Attempts must be sent by email to support@mathscircle.com (for more details click here to be taken to their website).
Have a go guys, see how you get on!