Week beginning 8th June
Happy Monday everyone!
What an interesting week we had last week finding out about the things that interest you and that you have a passion for. This week we have another project and we will be continuing with our maths homework and Reading Eggs alongside our battle on TTRS. What a fantastic week it was working as a team and winning the battle!
Week 7 Project – Thrilling Theme Parks! (Part 1.)
Project 7 duration – 1 Week (hand in date Friday 12th June 3.00pm).
For this project, you will have two core tasks and then there are two other activities with which I would like you to choose one.
This Week’s project is based around maths and design.
**This project is going to have two parts. Next week (week beginning 15th May) one of the core tasks is to make an attraction from your theme park, or make a mini fairground! This could be 2D collage picture or a 3D model. This is all going to be created using household recycling that you have at home. So from now please look out for recycling that you have and keep it ready for your design project. The minimum items you will need, will be your household recycling and a pair of scissors!**
Project Overview
It is your lucky day, you have been given a grant of £5 million to design and then build your own theme park! The only thing you need to do is to make sure that it is truly thrilling for your visitors and the essential task... you MUST be able to keep within your budget and look after your pot of money! I can’t wait to see what theme you will choose and how you can make it a unique experience. What will you include in your park? Let’s have some fun at the funfair.
Go to our class Microsoft Teams page and click on the ‘Files’ tab to find the full project on ‘Week 7 – Thrilling Theme Parks’, to discover what you are going to do with your Theme Park. The core tasks and suggested activities have been set for you to upload your work on to ‘Assignments’ when you have finished. Please also share your work on our Teams page so we can see your designs and how you think you should spend the money. Who will be able to keep in budget to create the most exciting, thrilling, exhilarating theme park?
Mrs Davis J