A little project for over the Summer
Hi everyone!
As we have not had chance to meet up as a new class before the holidays, we haven’t been able to learn all about one another. With this in mind, I would love the children to create something about themselves to share with the class when we return to school in September. A little ‘Mini-me’ project.
This could be a drawing of themselves, a drawing of their family, a model or anything else that takes their fancy. I look forward to seeing the fabulous creations when our class family joins together for the Autumn term.
Our first whole class topic is called ‘Why do you love me so much?’
This topic explores:
What is special about me? How do we show that we care?
We will also explore about love, families, feelings, friends and how people are the same and different. We will also look at how much the children have changed since they were babies.
With this in mind please could you also send your child in with a recent photograph of themselves and also one of them as a baby. We will use these as part of our Time to Talk sessions.
Have a wonderful Summer and I look forward to seeing you all in September.
Take Care
Mrs Barker