As you know, we have had a positive case of Covid-19 confirmed within the Y3/4 bubble. This means that children and staff from this bubble have been sent home to self isolate for 14 days. Although Miss Harmar isn’t part of this bubble, we have been advised by the Department for Education that she must self isolate as well, although her class is fine to come into school. We have secured an experienced supply teacher to cover the class in Miss Harmar's absence, although Miss Harmar has set the work for children to complete as she knows the children and our curriculum best.
I know that some children (and adults) may be feeling a little anxious or unsettled at the moment. Please be assured that we are following direction from the Department for Education, whilst ensuring all of our other safety measures remain in place. If you feel that you or your child need support, please don't hesitate to call to speak with me or our lovely Family Mentor, Lesley.
Work is being set for children in Mrs Charlton's class and Mr Moore's class to access at home via Teams. If your child cannot access Teams, or you do not have a device for them to use, please contact your child's teacher or the school office and we will do all that we can to help you. The work that is set should be work that children can complete without a great deal of adult support, as we are aware that home schooling can be really stressful for parents. Mr Moore is going to trial putting a short video onto Teams to explain the English work so that children can get along with minimal support from adults at home. We need to ensure that the work planned for children is worthwhile and aids their progress, offering challenge, whilst allowing children to work independently wherever possible.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support - it is very much appreciated during these difficult times.