I am sure you will have seen that, yesterday, the Prime Minister outlined the Government plans for easing lockdown restrictions. One of the first stages will be to reopen schools for all children on 8th March 2021. This means that, from 8th March, all children will be expected to attend school.
I am delighted that we will, once again, be together as a school family but understand that you may have worries and concerns about the safety of your child. Please be assured that our safety plans remain in place, with children learning and playing within 'bubbles'. I have attached our updated information for parents and carers and would be grateful if you would take a few moments to read through this so that you know what is expected of you and your child upon their return.
It is imperative that you adhere to drop off and collection times, please, so that bubbles do not mix, that you social distance on the way to and from school and whilst waiting for your child to come out of school, and that you wear a face covering when entering school premises. It is also important that children refrain from bringing non essential items (including school bags) into school.
If there is anything that you are concerned about, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am so excited at the thought of seeing lots of smiley faces on 8th March!
Returning to school 8th March 2021