I have two hands – the left one helps the right one and the right one helps the left. Trying to do things one handed can be very tricky!

In our school family, everyone has different responsibilities and different jobs to do. That’s why we are so successful – we all work together to help one another, just like my hands work together (without me even thinking about it!). Nobody is more important than anyone else, and everyone deserves the same amount of respect, whether big or small, old or young.

It’s my job to make sure that everyone is safe, everyone is happy and everyone is learning, but I can’t do everything on my own. Every week, I meet with Mrs Murton, Miss Burley and Mrs Davies to talk about how we can make our school even better than it is already. We work as a team and then share ideas with the rest of the grown ups, asking them for their ideas or suggestions based upon what we have been thinking about.

Sometimes, I can’t be in school and so we need someone who is able to be in charge instead of me. As I am the Principal, this person is called a Vice Principal, sometimes known as a deputy.

I am delighted to tell you that, following an interview with me and the CEO of the Enquire Learning Trust where Mrs Murton was asked lots of questions about her skills and our school family, Mrs Murton has been appointed as our school’s Vice Principal. Lots of the jobs that she will do are the same as those she already does, but she will be the person in charge when I can’t be in school and will continue to work with me and our grown ups to make our school even better than it already is.

On behalf of our school family, I would like to say HUGE congratulations to Mrs Murton - this is a great personal and professional achievement. Three cheers for our new Vice Principal!