What I love about Roseberry is that everyone loves to learn. Our after school staff training this week was delivered by ARC Adoption NE and focussed upon recognising and meeting the needs of adopted children.                                                                                                                            

I have seen some amazing writing this week, witnessing first hand the impact of the promotion of high quality and challenging vocabulary within classes. I have also had the privilege of talking to children about their knowledge and understanding of a range of subjects across the curriculum. They are able to make links between prior and current learning, proving that our curriculum and the way in which adults teach is successful in enabling children to know more and remember more!

If you'd like to know more about our curriculum, why not take a look at the curriculum page on our website? You'll be able to see our long term plans, as well as the knowledge we expect children to learn (and be able to share and use) in each phase of their learning.

Roseberry is such an exciting place to learn!