Year 2 bug hunt!
Year 2 children have been incredibly lucky to spend the morning with Dr Roger Key and his wife Rosy, who are both knowledgeable bug experts, to help us hunt for minibeasts on our school site. Their expertise enabled the children to safely catch and identify a huge collection of beasts, bugs and insects. The children explored many different habitats around the school grounds and spotted: moths, woodlice, spring tails, millipedes, centipedes, common crane fly, sawfly lava, caterpillars, earth worms, earwigs, frog hoppers, crab spiders and lace green wings. The children enjoyed using a range of different scientific equipment including bug pots, pooters and nets to collect as many different species they could find. Who knew our school site was such a thriving and unique habitat for so many beautiful minibeasts? What a fantastic morning, children! I wonder what you can find in your gardens or local park areas?