We have had another wonderful week in Year 4/5!

In Literacy, we have been reading a little more from our text ‘The Village that Vanished’.  We have discovered that the girl’s village is about to be attacked by slavers so we found out what that meant.  The children were appalled that it actually happened!  We have also been looking at speech punctuation and how to use it properly.

In Maths, we are continuing our work on fractions.  We have looked at counting in fractions and adding and subtracting fractions.  I have set this for homework so check out Mathletics.

For topic, we have been printing Buta patterns (an Indian pattern).  The children drew their patterns into polystyrene sheets and then they painted into them and printed the pattern onto paper.  They look great!

We have also started learning some of the songs for our play, ‘The Button Box’.  Parts will be given out next week!