Today, the children have been researching and discussing the topic of Reuse, Recycle and Reduce. When they were researching about this topic, they found out some startling facts:

  • Every Christmas, 11,000 football pitches worth of wrapping paper is thrown away.
  • Americans throw away over 4oo pounds of trash each day.
  • Every year, Americans throw away 50 billion food and drink cans, 27 billion glass bottle and jars, and 65 million plastic and metal can covers.
  • 2.12 billion tonnes of waste globally is thrown away each year, and 99% of the stuff that we buy becomes trash within 6 months.
  • Each year, one person can get through 90 drink cans, 70 food cans, 107 bottles and jars, and 45 kilograms of plastic.
  • 55 million 2 litre plastic bottles are thrown away in Bristol each year.
  • Every 12 seconds someone fly tips.
  • Since the 1960s, litter has increased by 500%.
  • Only 15% of 65 million ink cartridges are recycled.

The children also looked into ways that we could help our planet:

  • Get rid of plastic bags.
  • Start relying on reusable containers.
  • Start composting.
  • Learn to repair instead of discarding.
  • Cancel unnecessary mail.
  • Stop using disposable plates and cups.
  • Buy products with less packaging.
  • Take a reusable bag to the shops.
  • Instead of plastic bottles use glass ones.
  • According to Planet Arc, 85% of people now think that recycling at home is the right thing to do.