Thank you to those parents who have made contact to inform us of their child's eligibility to attend school during the closure period, starting on Monday 23rd March 2020. Your eligibility has been checked and we are happy to offer your child a place. If parents who are Key Workers have not yet made contact and wish for their child to attend school, please email to request a place. Please do not turn up unannounced with your child on Monday morning if you have not liaised with school staff. We need to ensure that our staff:pupil ratio is appropriate for the number of children attending.
You should bring your child to the lower school front entrance between 8.30am and 9.00am. The school day will run from 8.30am until 4pm each day. Please ensure that your child is collected promptly at 4pm.
The register will be taken at 9am. Your child will need their PE kit, water bottle and coat, as well as their pack of work that was given out on Thursday. This is the work that they will be completing during their time in school. There is a timetable set for the week, with children learning maths and english each morning (from their packs and online), a PE session each day and enrichment/creative activities in the afternoon. This will include visiting the wildlife areas and so wellies would be useful! They will also have time to read and hear stories. From 3pm - 4pm children will have some down time, watching movies, playing with lego and playing games.
The children will have a break in the morning with a healthy snack, which will be provided by the school. They will also be provided with a packed lunch at lunch time, freshly prepared by our fabulous cook. This will be free of charge. Please do not allow your child to bring food onto the premises. It is Trust policy that staff and pupils only consume food that has been provided by the school kitchen whilst on site.
Children do not have to wear school uniform but sensible footwear is recommended ie trainers. We politely request that children do not bring phones or electronic games into school. All entertainment during breaks will be provided!
Should you wish to contact school between 8.30am and 4pm, please call 01642 722883. The office will liaise with you next week regarding the days that your child will be at school. Please phone us by 9am to let us know if your child is going to be absent. Please also inform us straight away if your child shows symptoms of Coronavirus or has contact with someone displaying symptoms. It is imperative that we know this information as soon as possible. Please also ensure that we have the correct contact details for you and an emergency contact number for someone who is not ill or in a vulnerable category, should we need to contact you during an emergency.
We have arranged staff rotas so that school is able to remain open during the Easter holiday period, as we understand the importance of ensuring key workers are able to attend their place of work. Timings will remain at 8.30am - 4pm throughout this time.
Staff on site will consist of teachers and teaching assistants but please be aware that we will be operating on a skeleton staff due to some staff being in the vulnerable category, thus working from home. Please be assured, however, that we will have the correct amount of staff for the number of children on site at any one time (this is why it is important that we know your child will be attending). We will also have First Aiders on site.
We are pleased to be able to support valuable key workers during this difficult time and thank you for all that you are doing for our community.