Good morning!


I hope everybody is well.  

This morning, a great way to start your day would be doing a spot of P.E from your home!  Tune in to Joe Wicks on his YouTube channel for a live lesson at 9am. I’ll be joining in too!


If you would like some guidance / structure to your day, here are some ideas:


Reading- ‘A postcard from Mo Farrah’ comprehension (in your pack).


Maths - Consolidation activity - Fractions (online). Click on the link below and select lesson 4, ‘Recognise a quarter’:


Topic - Create a rainbow to display in your window at home.  Use any materials and media.  You could use crayons, pens, paints, collage, etc.  Be creative! Go for it!


Have a wonderful day!  I’m thinking of you all.

Stay safe,

Mrs Kearns