Happy Easter to you all! As this will by one of my last blog posts for the next two weeks, I wanted to give you a list of activities you can keep yourselves busy with. Don't forget to post your creations in Teams, so I can share them after the Easter break. 

Stop Motion Studio Animation:

Why not use the free app (Stop Motion Studio) to create your own short movie? You could retell the Easter Story? Maybe you could recreate part of your favourite film like Tim Peake did (see this blog post)? Or, if you're feeling really adventurous, why not choose one of the Pobble pictures and create a movie based on the story starters? 

If you do create something, please remember to post these in Teams so we can all see them, enjoy them and I can share them on our blog.


Twinkl Activity Pack – Free for a month

Step 1: Go to twinklhq.twinkl.co.uk/offer

Step 2: Enter the code you have received, or CVDTWINKLHELPS if you have not yet been given a code.



Easter Origami:




Easter Baking:



Have a great Easter, guys! But please remember, stay safe and keep yourselves at home to protect yourselves, your families and the NHS.

Mr Moore.