Monday 20th  April 


Welcome back everyone! 


I miss you all and it is strange not seeing your lovely faces. I hope that you have been able to enjoy your Easter holiday and that you are all well? We have been really lucky with the weather and I have seen a few of you enjoying your daily exercise. Don’t forget to stop and look around you – the countryside is changing and looking more and more beautiful.


This term our class (along with Y6) are going to be working on mini projects. These projects will cover a range of subjects and will run for a week at a time, rather than daily work  being posted on the blog for you to do. In addition, we will be using Microsoft Teams where I can communicate with you all, you can share the amazing project work that you  do and you can see what one another are getting up to! The  good thing about Microsoft Teams is that the Team  that I have set up will just  be  for our class to view. You can comment on each other’s work or post things on it  that you think your classmates would like to see, that you encounter or experience during the day or on a weekend. I am very excited, knowing you as I do, that you will produce some fantastic project work and will share your experiences at home, supporting each other along the way.


Each new project will be posted on the blog on a Friday for the following week. This enables adults, who are working from home, to have a look at the project and it will provide an opportunity for discussion   over the weekend - should you wish to do so. It then means on a Monday morning, if the adult you live with is working from home, you will be able to start your project straight away. I know that you are all superb independent learners! However, please do not  feel that you need to look at the blog before Monday.


When working on a project you will have a core task and then choose at least  two activities from the selection each week. You may also think of other wonderful ideas that you would like to create, I would love you to share these with me.



Project 1 - Uninhabited Island.




For this project, you will have a core task and then there are a number of suggested activities with which I would like you to choose at least two. If you would like to complete more of the activities, I would be delighted! You may also have your own ideas, again, please share these on Microsoft Teams with our class. You are a very creative class, therefore I am sure you will produce some amazing work – I cannot wait to see it! 


Project Overview

Whilst you are out exploring, you have come across an uninhabited and undiscovered island, which you can claim as your own. The only rule is - that it must be used to preserve the animal life that is already there. 


The core task and suggested activities can be found on our class Microsoft Teams page.


Enjoy your first project; I can’t wait to see what you produce!


Mrs Murton J