Monday 20th  April  

Welcome back! 


I hope that you and your families were able to enjoy some of the Easter holidays and that you are all well. The lovely weather certainly has made a difference to everything that grows around us, with shoots on the trees appearing, buds popping open and the grass growing.   


This term, our class will be using Microsoft Teams where I can communicate with you all, you can share the amazing work that you  do and you can see what one another are getting up to! I will be setting you daily Literacy and Maths activities with a creative activity you could have a go at if you wish!

The good thing about Microsoft Teams is that the Team  that I have set up will just  be for our class to view. You can comment on each other’s work or post things on it that you think your classmates would like to see, that you encounter  or experience  during the day or on a weekend. I am very excited, knowing you as I do, that you will produce some fantastic work and will share your experiences at home, supporting each other along the way.


Don't forget you can continue to access Reading eggs and Mathletics on a daily basis.

Above all please remember not to feel guilty or worried if you haven't completed all of the days learning activities, time to play and have fun is absolutely expected and essential! This is a difficult time for us all but you are all doing a fabulous job!


Have a fabulous day and I am looking forward to seeing all of your learning on Teams.