This week in EYFS we have been baking heart shaped biscuits.  Earlier in the week we designed our biscuits using cardboard hearts and various materials which looked like different sweet toppings.  We had red pipe cleaners for strawberry laces, tin foil scrunched up tight for silver balls, brown tissue paper for chocolate chips and tiny bits of coloured paper for sprinkles. 

To make our biscuits we first had to go to the shop to buy the right ingredients,  We looked carefully at the prices and found the right coins to pay for the things we needed.  We then took our ingredients to the baker who helped us weigh the ingredients and make the biscuit dough.

When our biscuits were cooked and cooled we looked closely at our designs and tried really hard to make our biscuits look the same by choosing the right toppings.

Our biscuits tasted really yummy.