We've had a wonderful first week back. 

In English, we've started reading our new class text, ’Street Child’. We predicted what we thought the book was going to be about by information stated and implied on the front cover. Then, after reading the first few chapters, we wrote a diary entry in the role of one of the characters in the story.


In Maths, we've started our Addition and Subraction topic. We're been learning how to use a formal method of column addition and subtraction, as well as understanding how to use the inverse operation to check calculations.

We've started our new Autumn 2 topic,  ’Peasents, Princes and Pestilence’. We've got an exciting new immersive area (don't worry - we are all well!). 

Because the Black Death was caused by a type of bacteria called Yersinia Pestis, we decided to investigate how easy it is for bacteria to spread to everyday classroom items. We look forward to finding out which item in our classroom is the dirtiest...

At the end of the week, we used a map to plot the spread of the plague and learned all about an extreme religion practice called, ’Flagellation’. 

What a busy week we've had! Well done, everyone!