Online safety is a vital area of education to protect children whilst they are online and your child receives a lot of education about online safety in school. But it is just as important that you keep yourself up to date as well.
We now have access to some online safety videos that have been put together by an online safety specialist who works closely with our school. In the videos you will be taken through a range of topics, such as risks and issues, screentime, gaming, YouTube, social media and more. The videos are all free and delivered to you via your email address.
This is how it works:
- Go to the web page that has been sent to you via text
- Enter the password that was also sent via text
- You do not need to remember this password.
- Note the capital letters in the password.
- Enter your email address and the name of the school.
- Click ‘Subscribe’.
You will receive a welcome email and then, each day after that for 7 days, you will receive an email to view a short video along with supporting advice and links. This is a really great and easy way to keep up top date with information about how to keep children safe whilst online. I hope you find them useful.