What another busy week we’ve had!

In PSHE, we thought about which qualities make a good friend.

In Maths, we continued our work on division.  We shared objects and amounts into groups of 2, 5 and 10, and also learned about odd and even numbers.

In Computing, we used the app, ‘Scratch’.  We added a sprite, changed the background, and began to use programming blocks.

In Topic, we used our map skills.  We learned about the cardinal, and ordinal directions, and read coordinates to follow and give directions.
We also used J2code to programme a Sprite around different maps.


In PE, we joined in with Joe Wicks, and then busted out the moves to some Disney tunes!  Some of us even dressed up in our Disney Princess dresses!

In Literacy, we created WANTED posters for a sweet thief, and the gallery robber from ‘Claude in the City’.

We also wrote questions to ask the eye-witnesses.
In grammar, we learned about using apostrophes in contraction words, and played a matching game.