What another fantastic week of learning for Year 1!

We have been busy finishing our Superheroes topic.  We have been learning exciting facts about our amazing bodies.  The children worked in pairs to draw around each other and then label as many body parts as they could! The children found it very tickly and there was a lot of giggling going on in the classroom!


We then learnt about about ours senses. We spent the lesson learning about taste and tried to identify the 5 basic tastes, sweet, salty, sour, bitter and savoury.  The children didn’t realise that some chocolate can be bitter!!! There was a lot of funny faces pulled!!!

We have also made pizzas this week. We discussed the different food groups and what we need to make our super bodies work.  We then designed pizza toppings, so that we were making them healthy and balanced, with vitamins, mineral, protein and carbohydrates.   Luckily, they also tasted delicious!

We have also been keep our bodies super fit....

And today, year 1& 2 have planted seeds to grow some vegetables - carrots and peas.  We have also sown some sweet pea flowers and next week are planting potatoes!  Hopefully, in a few months we will have some home grown, healthy vegetables for our super selves to enjoy!

What a wonderful week for year 1, working so hard at home and at school. Great job team!