I hope you all had a lovely half term break. Although we haven't been able to do a lot during the holiday due to lockdown, it's been lovely being able to wind down and have some time to recharge our batteries in readiness for the half term ahead. 

I am really excited about the learning opportunities that teachers have been busy preparing for children from Nursery through to Year Six. I know that the topics chosen will enthuse and engage children, resulting in some amazing work - as always! I was really impressed with the work completed in school and at home last half term and the display of Celebrating Cultures outcomes in the lower school hall is stunning! I have been amazed by the quality of the work that some children have produced at home. Well done, folks, and thank you to the adults at home who have supported children with their learning.

This half term will more than likely involve a return to school - we'll find out later today what the Government has decided. Please be assured that the measures we have in place to keep children and adults safe will remain. I will remind you of arrangements for dropping off / collecting children and what they are/are not allowed to bring into school nearer to the time of their return. In the meantime, please stay safe - you are all very precious!