The children have done some fantastic writing this week, which has been put up on our displays.  Our classroom is looking wonderful, with all the amazing work the children have produced.


The children have been writing about The Lonely Beast and the journey his friend took to be party of the welcome home party. The children thought carefully about their writing and produced some fantastic descriptions and even used fronted adverbials!

We have also been finishing our animal faces this week.  They look brilliant.  Details were added and we now have leopards, bears, tigers and rabbits in our classroom.

The children have then peer critiqued each other work, writing about what they thought was good about the work and also how it could be improved next time.  Super thoughtful work and comments were produced by the children.


The children have managed to dodge the rain this week and do some PE outside.  They worked beautifully with Mrs Davis, who commented how wonderfully behaved the children were.


We have done some more super computing work, producing documents about our own favourite animals, why we like them and any interesting facts we know about them.  The children are getting very good now at working independently on the laptops.


And finally, our weekly garden update.  Things are certainly growing with all this rain.  We just need some sunshine! We may even harvest some radishes next week!  I wonder who will be brave enough to try them?