As I walk around our school I feel very proud, indeed, of our school family. In every classroom I visit, children are engaged with learning, helping one another and sharing their thoughts and ideas. They give positive comments to one another about their work, and offer advice as to how children may make improvements to their work, too. What's lovely is that children are happy to accept this advice from their friends. They know that their friends are not being critical, but genuinely want to help them to make progress. This happens across the school and it's lovely to witness!

The learning opportunities and environments that adults work so hard to provide are fabulous and excite the children. Children come to school eager to learn and their attitude to learning is second to none! Behaviour in classrooms is amazing - everyone's busy, everyone's learning and everyone's happy. Children feel comfortable and confident to make mistakes - they know that making mistakes is how we learn. 

Our playground environments have recently been enhanced by the hard work of Roseberry Academy Friends and Teachers (RAFT), who work tirelessly throughout the year to raise money for the special extras that our school budget cannot fund. Play times are fun and seeing children looking after one another and ensuring that nobody is lonely is a joy to see. 

The relationships within our school family are special. This is because we care about one another. We know when someone is upset and reach out to care for them. We celebrate when someone achieves something special and we delight in their success. We are a family - a close and special family - and I feel very proud of it.

Thank you to everyone who makes our family what it is - a joy and a privilege to belong to!