We are loving our new topic all about night and day, and we have done some really fun activities, but there is always time for a fairy tale. The children have loved reading stories lately, especially The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

This interest was stemmed from rolling a toy car from one side of the room to another! The children noticed how the car moved on different surfaces. Afterwards, we made it a little bit trickier, and added a chair as an obstacle. After running out of chairs, one of the children decided to try and trap the car as it rolled. One of the children said it was a tunnel and another said a bridge. I asked the children if they knew any stories about someone crossing a bridge, a few knew all about the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

This really engaged the children and they started acting out the story, we added masks, fake grass and a scary troll to further extend their learning. We have some super actors and actresses in the making!


Our interest in fairy tales has continued and this time with The Gingerbread Man. The children took it in turns pretending to be the gingerbread man, hiding in different areas of the nursery. The children thought of different ingredients they could use for his body, they then made a design on paper and afterwards decorated their very own gingerbread man.