This week the children have continued to be engaged and be enthralled in our class book 'Lob' by Linda Newbery. 

We have continued reading and discussing the text, this week we have heard how the character Lucy has discovered a 'Green Man' high on the side of a church hidden by trees and bushes. This 'man' winked at Lucy. From this the children researched the history of the 'Green Man' they discovered that the 'Green Man' is a legendary being primarily interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, representing the cycle of new growth that occurs every spring. The 'Green Man' is most commonly depicted in a sculpture, or other representation of a face which is made of, or completely surrounded by, leaves. We have two very talented members of staff, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Weyell, who were able to show their own 'Green man' sculptures to the children. After seeing their sculptures, children drew their own 'Green Man' These were fabulous and included lots of detail. 

Today the children used their acting skills to demonstrate different parts of the story. We read extracts from the story, the children had to show the phrase through expression and body language. The children were amazing at showing how the character Lucy could have felt during different aspects of the story.