This week, after learning all about Pompeii and the destruction caused by Mount Vesuvius, we thought about what life would’ve been like in a Roman town. We learned about their lifestyle, interesting foods they ate and their hobbies before writing a fact file to present our information. Take a look at a super example below:
In English, we've been reading our class text, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We created a draft of a description about the Full Moon ceremony and the next day we wrote this up into our books making sure we followed our steps to success.
In Maths, we've been continuing with our Place Value topic - learning how to order numbers, adding 10, 100 and 1000 to numbers and estimating where numbers go on a number line.
We finished the week off by completing our penultimate session on the Boogie Bounce trampolines!
Well done, everyone.