We have been reading the classic fairy tale Jack & the Beanstalk. 

We really enjoyed the traditional version where Jack sells his cow for some magic beans but, we thought the alternative version of Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk was soooooooo good too.

Jack sells his cow for 20 gold coins just as his Mummy told him too.  On the way home Jack passed a fabulous looking sweet shop and could not resist the enormous bag of Jellybeans.

Yes ...... you guessed it ....... an enormous Jelly Beanstalk grew in his garden.

We love our Role Play Area to be a shop and thought a sweet shop would be perfect, and lots of fun of course.

We are using lots of numeracy and literacy skills in our Role Play Area, matching the correct coins to the sweets, counting out the correct number of coins to make the mix up bags, counting the Jellybeans in the jars and finding the correct number and writing shopping lists of the sweets we would like to buy.