During our 'Time to Talk' session this morning, we got that chance to explore crabs really closely. We watched a short video showing different places we might find crabs and we saw them using their claws to pick seaweed from the rocks.
We thought the crabs looked a lot like spiders when they were scuttling about. We loved how they walk sideways instead of forwards.
Mrs Barker had created a tiny little rock pool for us to explore and when we looked inside there were lots of beautiful little crabs.
We counted the their legs and claws and found out that the 2 back legs help the crab to swim and the other legs are used to walk. We thought the claws looked really sharp and noticed that they had jagged edges like tiny little teeth.
We put on a glove to protect ourselves so that we could hold one of the crabs. It so was good being able to see the crabs close up, especially seeing the claws.
These are the words we used to describe the crabs:
Cute, tiny, snappy, sharp claws, wriggly, pointy, scratchy, pinchy claws, nippy and long legs.