This week the children have planned their own adventure stories. I have been blown away at hard the children have worked at including adverbs and description. Here are a few examples:


Ella the Sleepy Sloth                                          by Isabelle


Ella woke up on a sunny morning. But Ella saw something red and white…then it moved – it turned out to be a black pug. His name was Candycane.

“Hi, what’s your name?” he said.

“Er, it’s Ella,” she whispered nervously.

“Will you play tig with me?” asked Candycane.  However, Ella was too slow and sleepy to play because she was a sloth (she was always tired). She yawned slowly and closed her eyes as her head nodded drowsily.

So Candycane decided to take her to the river. When they arrived at the lake, near a small waterfall, sat on a vine was an amazing, colourful tree frog. She didn’t see anything but rainbow colours.

Candycane explained what had happened and the frog clapped her sticky hands and loads of sea creatures appeared who got loads of things from the river.



The Dragon Cave                                                by Abigail W

Mary and Joe were on a walk in the woods with their dog.  It was a beautiful, sunny day and they started to run and play tig.

Eventually, they got to a hill which they’ve never been up before. They climbed it. As they walked up and up and up, Joe started to wonder if they should go back now.  They found a cave and inside there was a dragon!

“Roooooooor!” said the dragon.  They were petrified and really scared.

They saw there were dragon eggs and realised that the dragon was hurt and she was protecting her babies.  Then the dragon fell asleep, curled up with her eggs, but one was left out and it rolled down the mountain and the children ran after it.

The dragon thought that the children were taking the egg to their house.  The dragon’s eyes flashed furiously as she flapped her fiercesome wings and swung her red, jagged tail.  She soared into the air like a rocket and began to chase them.  The children couldn’t run fast enough.


Jungle Adventure                                               by Lilly-May

Hi, I am Cat, a 12 year old girl with long, red hair and golden eyes like treasure.  Yesterday, my friend Anna and I set off on a trek through the jungle with my pug, Henry, to find the precious jewels that we have heard about.  Would it be our lucky day?

The path through the jungle was scary and treacherous with countless hidden dangers behind the lush, green foliage.  Suddenly, there was rustling in the trees!  We looked above us and saw a sloth with matted, smelly fur – the sloth was growling and screeching at us and the sloth had claws like daggers with ominous eyes. 

But the sloth ate the picnic with us and helped us find the treasure!