We have had a brilliant week celebrating Chinese New Year.

We started cultures week today and are celebrating Chinese New Year. On Monday, we thought about which yummy treats we would like to make, we all picked tiger cupcakes. We worked really hard and made a delicious treat. We followed a recipe, measured ingredients, poured and mixed. We added orange food colouring to look like a tiger.  Once cooled we set to work to decorate our cakes. We added eyes and stripes.

Our favourite part was eating them!

On Wednesday we joined with reception and made some English dumplings. We compared how they looked and tasted to Chinese dumplings. Our favourite was the English dumplings.

On Thursday we watched a video which showed us how people in China celebrate new year. We decided to make our own dragon, we put boxes together and added lots of colours. We dressed up in beautiful outfits, just like they wear in China.