Last Friday, the children enjoyed Environment Day. This day helps us is to raise awareness of the environment and how we can help to look after it by being more environmentally friendly in our everyday lives.   

We discussed as a class, how we could incorporate the three 'R's' in to our lives.  Recycle our rubbish, reduce our waste and re-use instead of buying new things.  The children were amazed that each year an average person in the UK throws away 400Kg's of waste each year, that is 7 times their body weight! We also found out that products sent to landfill can take hundreds of years to breakdown, this is why we need to recycle, reduce and re-use. 

Throughout the day, the children also helped Miss Tucker to create a large art installation using recycle bottle tops. They also filled a polar bear sculpture with plastic packaging collected every week from the school fruit deliveries.  We also created our own 'Rainforest' posters using information and pictures to try and persuade people to think about that their actions. We want people to know that by doing a few small changes to our everyday lives this will have a huge impact on our future environment and the protection of our animals and forests.