This week we have used our research skills in order to find our information and facts about polar bears. This links to our English lessons, where we are reading the story of ‘Ice Bear’ by Jackie Morris. The children found out about what the bear eats, where they live, who is part of their family and what the polar bears look like. This research will help us next week when we start writing our own fact files all about polar bears.

In topic, the children have enjoyed learning about what fossils tell us about predators in the past. The children enjoyed finding about the importance of an animal skeleton and labelling their own skeleton. Today, the children worked together to create their own hand model, which helped them to explain how joints move.  They used string and beads to make the fingers move. When they pulled on the ‘tendons’ the fingers bent, just like a real hand.

During golden time we enjoyed spending time in the woodland area with Mr Murton. The children enjoyed exploring the area, building their own dens using sheets and branches, whittling shapes and models from sticks and making their own fire!