Our first week back has been fabulous!
As part of our new topic, ‘Bounce’, we did some super PE. We practised our ball skills, played games including bean bag boccia and target toss, and even did some Harry Potter yoga! I was very impressed with the way everyone worked together as a team during our games!
In Maths, we have been learning about measurements. We have measured in centimetres and meters, ordered lengths and compared lengths.
In Literacy, we watched an animated story from the Literacy Shed called ‘Bubbles’.
We worked collaboratively to make a story map for our Literacy wall to help us retell the story. We even had fun with the bubble maker! Seeing the bubbles in our classroom inspired us to use some fantastic adjectives - dainty and graceful, and some great adverbs - swiftly and gracefully.
In Computing, we learned about digital footprints and discussed the information that was safe to share and unsafe to share online.
Well done to everyone for working so hard!