Spaceships & Space rockets!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF. Year 1 have enjoyed designing and making their own space rockets.
Year 1 have been programming simple instructions into a Bee-Bot and testing their algorithms for accuracy.
Who has crashed into Year 1 over the holidays?
Oh no! Who has crashed into year 1 over the holidays? We arrived at school and there had been a dramatic crash in our outdoor area. We looked for clues and wrote an incident form. It was an ALIEN!
Culture Week - Judaism
This week we are learning about Judaism. We have learnt lots of Interesting facts and have made some wonderful pieces. Yesterday we made a Mezuzah. A mezuzah is a piece of parchment, contained in a decorative case and inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah. We are going to…
Woodland Warriors
We have enjoyed our final week of being 'Woodland Warriors' for REALtime. We toasted marshmallows and drank a lovely hot chocolate. Afterwards, we had a rest in the hammock. It was so much fun and we are super excited to see which activity we will do for the next 4…
All about plants!
We have been busy this week and have been learning about plants. To start, we dissected a flower so we could see each individual part. We then tested our knowledge and labelled a picture. Afterwards, we planted a collection of bulbs in our outdoor area. We are so excited to watch them…
Leaf Printing
What a busy afternoon. We started off by going on a leaf hunt. We found some beautiful leaves with lots of different patterns. We could remember the name of the trees and could identify whether they were deciduous or evergreen. When back in the classroom, we placed the leaf onto a piece…
A Woodland Habitat
Nests and Dens
Yesterday, we matched animals to their woodland homes. Mrs Rowan brought in something very special for us to look at. We had the opportunity to hold a real-life birds’ nest. We noticed the difference between each nest and described what the bird may look like. Comparing…
REALtime has been fantastic this week. Mr Murton showed us how to make our very own games when outdoors. We used bits of willow and other objects we could find to make our game. We made an obstacle course, noughts and crosses, hook-a-circle, and… |
Woodland or Domestic?
This week the children have continued our 'Enchanted Woodland' topic. We have been learning about woodland and domestic animals. We each brought in a teddy or an object which linked to our topic. We then categorised them into woodland, domestic or both! Afterwards, we put on a puppet show. The…
We've been busy
We have had a busy start to the year. We have been learning our new routines and have been fantastic during our phonics and maths lessons. We love our new topic 'The Enchanted Woodland', especially when we can explore our beautiful outdoor area!