TTRS Round 4!
What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…
Investigating Metals
Well we've had a busy week investigating metals and magnetism. We have found out about the many benefits of magnetism. Did you know that there is a magnet in your fridge door? Did you know the force of magnetism can make trains levitate? Did you know that our Earth is a big magnet and protects the…
Fabulous Friction
This week we have been learning all about forces. We revised our understanding of push and pulls and investigated the force of friction. We also made our own carts to test and found that they did not travel as far as the wooden car.
Welcome Back
We've had a brilliant first week following lockdown and the children are settling back into life at school. This week we have continued to enjoy our topic the 'Blue Abyss' learning all about food chains and adaptations of the creatures that live in our oceans. The children then used this knowledge…
World Book Day
We've had a lovely day today, wriring our own stories, making book marks and creating our own book covers. Can't wait to see you all on Monday!
The Blue Abyss
A brilliant start to our new topic! The children visited a virtual aquarium on Monday and researched a sea creature of their choice. They then sketched their animal and recorded the facts that they had learned. Super proud of what they produced!
Culture Week
Well done everyone for a brilliant end to this half term. This week we have been learning about the Native Tribes of America, their beliefs and customs. The children have been busy designing totem poles, making dream catchers, drawing turtles and researching Sacagawea.
This is our superb…
USA Road Trip- Our Innovate Project
We've come to the end of our USA road trip and the children have been creative with their learning. We have had lots of American style cooking, instruction writing and video presentations. The children have also made top trump games, created their own cartoon characters and painted pictiures. Here…
Our American Feast!
Check out this incredible instructional video on how to make a Key Lime Pie! What an amazing project girls - well done!
Come to the circus!
This week the children have been designing advertising posters inspired by our book 'Leon and the place between.' I'm particularly impressed by their IT presentation skills! Keep up the fabulous work children!
USA travel brochure of physical landmarks.
A super week exploring the physical landmarks of the USA. I've made a class brochure using a selection of pages from the children's work this week. I 'd love to visit some of these beautiful places, maybe one day!
The children have also been busy this week writing stories based on a circus…