Image of Rattlin Bog
25 March 2020

Rattlin Bog

Rattlin Bog

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25 March 2020

Useful Websites

Hi guys

I've put a list of websites together that I feel would be most beneficial for your children to access at home.


Joe Wicks PE Sessions on You Tube - Daily 9am

Read Write Inc Phonics Sessions Broadcast live available on You Tube

Your child also has access to…

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Image of New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!
25 March 2020

New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!

Good morning everyone!

We have an all NEW Times Tables Rockstars competition which goes LIVE at 9am Thursday 26th March (tomorrow)! 

The tournament is open until 12pm Monday lunchtime - so get practicing and get ready!

Our tournament battle is:

Mrs Murton Vs Mrs Davies.

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Image of New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!
25 March 2020

New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!

Good morning everyone!

We have an all NEW Times Tables Rockstars competition which goes LIVE at 9am Thursday 26th March (tomorrow)! 

The tournament is open until 12pm Monday lunchtime - so get practicing and get ready!

Our tournament battle is:

Mrs Murton Vs Mrs Davies.

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Image of Brilliant efforts!
25 March 2020

Brilliant efforts!

What a lovely treat to receive some fabulous photographs of children’s learning! Shown above are great examples from our innovate project as well as some  topic homework. 

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Image of New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!
25 March 2020

New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!

Good morning everyone!

We have an all NEW Times Tables Rockstars competition which goes LIVE at 9am Thursday 26th March (tomorrow)! 

The tournament is open until 12pm Monday lunchtime - so get practicing and get ready!

Our tournament battle is:

Mrs Kearns Vs Miss Harmar.

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25 March 2020

Beware of a scam!

Be aware of scam emails. The DFE has notified us that some parents have received an email stating the following: ‘As schools will be closing, if you’re entitled to free school meals, please send your bank details and we’ll make sure you’re supported’.  Please do not respond to this - IT IS A…

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Image of New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!
25 March 2020

New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!

Good morning everyone!

We have an all NEW Times Tables Rockstars competition which goes LIVE at 9am Thursday 26th March (tomorrow)! 

The tournament is open until 12pm Monday lunchtime - so get practicing and get ready!

Our tournament battle is:

Mrs Charlton's Vs Mr…

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Image of New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!
25 March 2020

New Times Tables Rockstars Tournament!

Good morning everyone!

We have an all NEW Times Tables Rockstars competition which goes LIVE at 9am Thursday 26th March (tomorrow)! 

The tournament is open until 12pm Monday lunchtime - so get practicing and get ready!

Our tournament battle is:

Mrs Charlton's Vs Mr…

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Image of Wednesday 25th March
25 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March

Morning everyone,

The sun is shining! I wonder how many of you will be working out with Joe Wicks this morning and making it 3 days in a row?

Why not complete some of your maths and English work in the garden today?

You could also have a look at your innovate project for our current topic…

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Image of Fred the Frog - Jumbled Sentence
25 March 2020

Fred the Frog - Jumbled Sentence

Oh No!!!!  Fred has got his sentence all jumbled up.

The sentence should say where Fred is in the picture.

Can you put the words in the right order for him.

Have a go at writing it yourself. 

Don’t forget to use finger spaces and a full stop.

Please feel free to reply below and let…

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Image of Wednesday 25th March
25 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March

Morning everyone!

The sun is shining, why not...

Sit in the garden and read a book?

Create an obstacle course?

Draw some pictures drawing round the shadow of objects?

I would love to hear what you are up to - send me a message.

Have fun in the sun!

Mrs Murton

Don't forget:…

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