Outstanding knowledge!
This week, this young man came into school with a box full of treasures. With some help from grown ups at home, he had found out about all the different types of rocks. We were fascinated and so impressed by his superb knowledge!
The formation of mountains....
This week, we’ve been learning about the formation of mountains. In order to understand how they are formed, Miss Harmar explained this to us practically. We then used our geographical knowledge to write an explanation in our topic books.
Geographical knowledge
Did you know that Mount Everest grows up to 4mm per year? Isn’t this amazing? Keep looking at our blog and we will explain why soon. Hint: plates!
Our new class text is all about the The Rainforest. We’ve been using descriptive language to write some superb poetry....
High quality Topic Homework
I am so proud of my class! Take a look at the Misty Mountains projects that have been created at home!
Roseberry collages!
This week, we've worked collaboratively to create a Roseberry Topping collage. We've created a little art book of our collages for people to see. Why not come and take a look in the classroom?
Mountain Rescue featuring Oscar the dog!
We had such an amazing time with Mountain Rescue and their dog (Oscar) today. We learned all about their job and how they help rescue so many injured people. What a fabulous team of people!
Roseberry Topping!
We had such a fun tIme climbing Roseberry this morning! The wind and the cold didn't stop us - great perseverance, guys!
Variation in maths
We've been learning how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100 in a range of different questions.
Descriptive writing
As part of new class text, Green Ship, we've been predicting what the characters in the story will see next (see our drawings). We've been writing thoughts about what the characters would be thinking on board this ship, and writing a character description about Mrs Tredegar (their…
Misty Mountains
We researched, located and plotted the world’s most impressive mountains! I wonder if you've climbed up any of them....!?